


buttons forms images cards buttons

Hi There,

I'm Rohit Gupta

About Me

I am an Computer Science postgraduate. I am very passionate about improving my coding skills, developing applications & websites.

My Skills

Data Structures and Algorithms


Acceptance Rate: 77.7%
Questions Solved: 104

 Leetcode Profile
Geek For Geeks

Current Score: 125
Questions Solved: 50

 GFG Profile

Your Experience: 4215
Questions Solved: 126

 Codestudio Profile

Development Stack


Netflix Clone
  • Fully Functional and Responsive like Netflix
  • Watch Movie Trailers by Clicking on Posters
  • Firebase Email Authentication
  • Firestore Database Integration
  • Uses TMDB and Youtube IFrame Api
  • Stripe Payment Integration
  • Uses Multiple React Frameworks

Tech used

Netflix Clone

Tech used

🌤️ Weather App

Fetches data from Open Weather API on basis of Co-ordinates or Location Name

🕵️ Dev-Detective

Fetches data from given Github Profile Username via Github API

🔐 Password Generator

Generates Random Passwords by Requirements like Length & Characters inclusion

Tic Tac Toe

Play the classic Tic-Tac-Toe game (also called Noughts and Crosses)

🥁 Drum Kit

In this Game You can Play Specific Sounds of the Respective Instruments By Pressing

🚵🏻‍♂️ Adventure Parallax

It is an Parallax Effect Adventure Website

The Simon Game

Generates Random Colors, You Need to Follow them Correctly in Order to win

Razorpay Clone

Razorpay Clone - Made using Tailwind CSS

Discord Clone

Discord Clone - Made using Tailwind CSS

🪑 Modern Chair

Chair Shopping Cart - Made Only Using CSS3

Contact me

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Let's talk about everything.

Please share your details.
Will look forward to you.❤️

Contact No: +91 7049761589